Self Guided : 7) Accounting Profiles & Time Tracking

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Setup Billing Profiles in settings and apply them as line items in the Accounting Tab

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What is a Billing Profile?

A Billing Profile is a Line Item that can be applied to an Invoice. To support a variety of business models, CounselMore offers 3 different type of Billing Profiles:

Package: A Package Billing Profile is for parents who pay by the package and not by the amount of hours spent working on the student.

Hourly: An Hourly Billing Profile is for parents who pay for the hours spent working on the student, at a given hourly rate.

Block of Hours: A Block of Hours Billing Profile is somewhat of a combination between the two above. This is meant for parents who pay for a package which includes a set amount of hours. CounselMore then keeps track of the remaining hours as time with the student is logged by adding a Line Item.

Below is an example on creating a Billing Profile & adding a Line Item

In this particular example, we will create a 10 Hour Block Package for $1000.

  1. Go to Settings > Accounting Setup > Click: + Add Billing Profile
    Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 11.34.39 AM
  2. Add a title: 10 Hour Block Consulting
  3. Add description: 10 Hour Block Consulting
  4. Click where it says "Package" and select "Block of Hours"

         Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 11.05.06 AM

      5.   Enter the # of Hours:10

      6.   Enter the cost: 1000

      7.   Click Submit


Because we created this Billing Profile, we are now able to apply it by adding a Line Item to a test student's Accounting Tab. This line item will reflect time you want to bill for. 

You met with the Student for a 1 hour session. It's now time to add a Line Item to the Student's Accounting Tab

  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Add Line Item
  2. Add Time:
    • Enter today's date (or whenever the session happened)
    • Highlight the parent icon to the right of the date in order to automatically add this Line Item to the Invoice
    • Add miles if you want to track your drive to the meeting location
    • Enter 1 hour (and any minutes if applicable)
    • Select the Block of Hours Package Billing Profile from the drop-down menu
    • Type a custom note if applicable to client
    • Click Submit.



  • By adding this line Item, you have now effectively applied a charge to this student's account
  • By entering 1 hour, you have also applied the first hour of the package, against the package. If the hour block was 10 hours, the client now has 9 hours left.


The green bar will show the countdown of hours remaining.



Preview & Send an invoice 

In this example, we've spent 1 hour with the student and are sending an invoice for $100.


Invoices only go to Parent Contact(s). See this article for where to add one.

  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Preview / Send Invoice
    • If you look at the image below, you'll see a balance of $1000 (cost of Block of Hours) and you'll see the hour spent with the student reflected and deducted.

    • In our case we don't want the parent to think they have to pay the entire cost of the block, we want to let them know that their balance is $1000 but, we are only billing them for $100.
  2. There are two notes sections in the invoice we can customize per client
    1. Friendly Notes: Hover over the white space under the last line time (in our case we only have 1) and click to edit/add text. We will want to paste in "Please send payment of $100 for first hour spent." 
    2. Legal Notes: This varies by counselor. In my case I'm just letting my client know where to find the accepted payment methods.
  3. Click "Send"


Setting up your payment button

  1. Go to Settings > Accounting Setup > Payment Link
  2. Paste the link to your payment page for platforms such as Venmo, Paypal, etc...
  3. Click close at the top right to save 



Testing your payment button

  1. Go to any student record > Accounting Tab
  2. Click the menu button > preview send invoice
  3. Click the "Pay Now" button at the bottom of the invoice to test the link


From now on, all invoices sent out will come with the payment button. 

Recording a payment

In this example we're recording a $100 payment submitted by the parent

  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Record Payment
  2. Select the payment date
  3. Enter the payment amount
  4. Enter the payment method
  5. Add any useful notes
  6. Click "Submit"




Your student's Accounting Tab will now reflect the $100 payment and the balance is calculated and updated for you automatically at the top of the page.


Sending payment confirmation

We will use the invoice tool to send payment confirmation

  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Preview / Send Invoice
    • You will now see a payment of $100 reflected as a Line Item on the invoice and the balance updated above.
  2. Change the Friendly Note to say, "Thank you for your payment!"
  3. Add any applicable Legal Notes
  4. Click Send



In the Accounting tab, you will notice the parent icon to the far right of each Accounting Line Item. If the parent/family icon isn't green, the Line Item will not be added to the invoice. 

Automate Invoice delivery

  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Invoice Auto Send - Inactive
  2. Select the interval, in our case it will be monthly
  3. Select the start date, choosing the first of the month
    1. This will then automatically send an invoice monthly on the first 
  4. Check the "On" box to confirm
  5. Click "Save"



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This article will appear if a member asks:

Do parents portals not have the accounting tab?

No, the accounting tab is only visible to the counselor in the basic plan. Through our custom choices, any member of CounselMore can contact support and be connected to a developer for custom choices specific to their account. The enhancements are charged on a per project basis. Goto the website to learn more.