Self Guided : 3) Student & Parent Portal

This article is self guided account set up: Follow Articles 1-7 to guide your account setup. Open your account and watch the video, pausing as needed to make changes in your account.

🛠️   Setup & Configure your CounselMore Portal

⚙️   1. The videos below will walk you through step-by-step account set up.

⚙️   2. Watch the videos and pause the video, to make changes in your own account.

⚙️   3. Keep a list of questions.

⚙️   4. Reserve your 30 minute complimentary Reserve Meeting

Use this video to welcome your students to their portal 


In this training, the counselor will also be the student. To do this we will set up your work space to be 2 different personas.
Use two different web browsers, in two different browser windows. For instance, one window is using a Chrome browser for the counselor and the second window is using the an incognito browser window for the student.

You could also use two different computers to make it most easy. You will begin as a counselor and follow along to the student interface to understand the student's POV.

This experience will 

Adding Student 

  • Begin in the counselor's portal

  • Click the green "Add Student" button in the upper left hand side of your screen

  • Enter your students Account Information such as Name, Grad year, and Status. You may also add their contact info, Academic Information, Assessments, and Template Folders. Once done click Create.

  • Now go to the menu buttonand do a search by clicking on the magnifying glass

  • To make a list quickly, select My Database at the top. Then on the left hand side select Community Sourced Lists

  • Choose a list. After your selection click Show Results

  • Choose schools by selecting the grey box to the left of each school name. Click Done on the lower right hand side when finished. 

Student List

  • You will return to counselor's list. Promote schools to the student list by clicking on the graduation cap icon . Click grad caps on some schools and follow them to the student list. 

  • From the student list, click on the heart to promote schools to the App Tracker

App Tracker

  • Next click on the App Tracker tab this is the list of colleges that the students will be applying to.


  • Assignments tab and click on the menu button  and select Add Routine Assignments

  • Select any assignment, click Close.  

  • Next select a Start Date and Due Date for those assignments. Click on the icon that represents the audience of each assignment. If there are multiple members of the audience, click more than one icon. Assignment is for who:  student , the family , or the counselor  

  • From any assignment link directly to documents contained in the student Google drive folder by clicking inside the assignment:

Inviting and Sharing

  • Invite the student to their portal,  click on the invite buttonon the top. Student must have an email address in the record.

  •  If you want the student to have access to files, click on the share button at the top. The student will then get a email notification.

    • Note: The student portal is now assigned to the student's email address. The student must sign into the portal with that email address and sign in again to Google Drive (from within the portal) using the same email address. 

    • Note: Once the email has been sent you cannot change the student's email, you may edit the email and would have to re-invite and re-share the materials.


It is beneficial to have a "pretend" or "mock" student account while training. It we allow you to quickly check your customer's experience without interacting with an actual client's record.

The training will now move to the student's perspective (POV).


In this training, the counselor will also be the student.
Use two different web browsers, in two different windows. For instance, one window is using a Chrome browser for the counselor and the second window is using the Brave browser for the student. You could also use two different computers. You will begin as a counselor and follow along to the student interface to understand the student's POV.

Email Invite

  • Go to the web browser window for the student. Log into the mock student's email inbox.

  • Retrieve your student portal invite AND Google drive invite. (If you have not yet connected GD - don't worry, skip it for now.) 

  • The student portal invite message can be customized. You are reading a standard message. The standard invite includes a orientation video and a link to your unique student portal page. 

Password Reset & Login

  • The unique student or parent portal log in page can be customized. You are seeing a standard page at this time in your training. 

  • The student MUST reset their password as entry into their portal.

Account Tabs in the Student Portal

  • College List tab  to see the colleges that were chosen for the student. Remember that the student will only see what you allow them to see.

  • The student can click on the App Tracker tab  to see what colleges were


What does the Parent Portal look like to the Parent?



👍   Now that you've complete the Self Study, make a list of your questions and reserve a seat at a live training checkup. You will find a complete schedule here.

Return to the previous section in your Training Program
1) Account Settings & Customization

2) College Lists & App Tracker

👉  Continue your learning journey: Proceed with the next Training Programs below.

4) Google Drive Prep & Connect

5) Routine Assignments

6) Scheduling & Calendar Connections

7) Accounting Profiles & Time Tracking