Sales, Free Trial, Demo - Transition to new software How do I transition to a new software platform? 4 simple steps will get you off your old software provider
2. You can migrate your historical client data or we can help with that.
3. Close out the last year on current platform by entering additional info in each Student Profile (Biography Banners).
4. Welcoming a new group of students onto your new CounselMore platform:
After your student records are migrated you can now begin using the Broadcast Station. Click Settings in the top right hand corner and select Broadcast Station. In the Broadcast feature, filter your audience by using the drop down filters provided. Announce your changes in a message to students and parents. Here is some language to get you started.
To Student:
I have excellent news for us both. My practice now includes CounselMore! Why that is important to you is that there are resources that will make your college application process run smoothly. Scrolling through this page, you’ll see the incredible benefits.
We also have access to a proprietary college information data base where we can compare hundreds of attributes and get down to your best campus fit quickly. In our next meeting we will take a tour through the platform together. It’s not complicated like the things your high school uses. This is very simple. After we take a look together, I will email an invitation to your student portal, which will also give you access to my office Google drive. That folder is where I want you to save all of your preparation documents. I look forward to sharing this with you.
To Parent:
I have excellent news for us both. My practice now includes CounselMore! Why that is important to you is because CounselMore College Counseling software to scaffolds the student’s journey. Both students and families have access to this web based portal where all assignments, status updates and college lists are easily accessible. However, this is not the only conduit of our information.
You will receive emails that will be a Progress Summary with meeting notes and a list of your student's current Assignments. On occasion, there will be assignments for parents. When that is the case, your student will not be copied on a parent assignment. Invoices will also be emailed to you and not copied to the student.
Keeping the student on task is important. Research has shown that click-convenience has a significant impact on the student’s increased rate of task completion. Each Progress Summary email will list Assignments with hyperlinks to external files and the associated tasks to capitalize on momentum.
Access to a proprietary college information database is available within the student and family portals. As well, a static snapshot college list can be exported and conveniently shared via Google Drive at any time.
Please look in your email for an invitation to these web based portals. Parents are invited but not required to use the portal. Students will be required to update their assignment status, research colleges and craft essays using the student portal and Google drive tools.
See this article for instructions on meeting with your student for the first time