College Data Menu - Resources, data dictionary, data glossary

College Data - Resources Definitions, Glossary, Update Timeline

SECTIONS OF ARTICLE: Data Definitions 

Where does the data come from? Petersons, federally contracted to collect and disseminate the Common Data Set participating in the President Obama College Scorecard and IPEDS and College Navigator. Read More

Access Data Menu




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Keep your own custom information per school. Track and update this information on your own. New accounts will see that CounselMore has already added information that we see Counselors track most often. Create your own niche data tracking. Great tool for those who work in a particular niche where application processes are more complicated; Arts, Music, Sports.

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How to use Status Columns;

When turning on Status & Strategy columns - the Counselor is building their application Process. This is done through default-menu mostly but Counselors can also choose specific columns for an individual student when needed.

These columns partner with... are attached to... correspond with the Application Requirements Columns.  All application requirements, per application, per school are tracked in the App Tracker, there is a corresponding status column for each requirement.

Status Columns do many things - one of those: A Counselor can indicate the status of each requirement, per school on the Student list OR the App Tracker. A Counselor can also record strategy they will apply to each application requirement, documenting for the student/family but also recording history of application choices to inform future choices.

Status Columns can be turned on in the student list - prior to 'committing' a school to the App Tracker. That can be a powerful way to consider schools for an athlete, when determining which schools will actually receive an application is largely determined by which has shown attention to the student prior to applications starting.

How to use Status Columns as Strategy Columns

In the College Readiness process there are two chapters: Readiness (when the student prepares the necessary documents for the application) and Applications (when teh student is actively applying to schools.)
The Readiness chapter is when the student is asking their mentors for letters of recommendation, in hopes to use those letters with their applications. The student is doing this not fully aware of which types of mentors they will be allowed to use with each application as the requirements per school can differ wildly.
During the Applications chapter of the process the Counselor is thoughtfully preparing how these collected letters can be best used per each application. The Counselor does this work alone, making notes into Strategy Columns per requirement. This is a great benefit because families will ask about a specific requirement in mid-cycle, and the Counselor can easily point the family to the documented path forward without unraveling months of meeting notes or seeming unprepared.
Example: Parent: "Should we use the Director's letter for our son's letter of recommendation requirement for Fordham?" Counselor: "Please navigate to the App Tracker, Fordham, Letters of Rec. column, and review my strategy notes - I believe you will see that choice has been considered already. Let me know if you would disagree with the rationale I've included there."  It is easy to see how the App Tracker keeps the process moving forward. The Counselor does not have to break their flow to search and update, each time a routine question is posed because the Counselor has the space to process each strategy in light of the total application; ready for the big picture and the individual questions.
Or consider Test Policy. A counselor may use a particular strategy for a student applying to a school that allows test-optional and a very different strategy for the next school on the same list. By documenting the student maintains a touchstone of the overall plan. When the student is logging into Collegeboard to report schools per school, they can reflect on the documented strategy instead of texting the counselor at 10pm, asking for urgent guidance.

Application Guidelines

  • Not available through the Common Data Set, College Navigator, or any other tool.
  • Updated annually directly from college admissions (verified by Aug app-season opening)
  •  Each data point is data stamped for freshness.
  • Proven to change a college counselor's list building process from 5 hour preparation to 30 minutes.
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 Definitions of App Guidelines Data

College Profile


Admissions Review

Application Analysis

Test Scores

Special Programs

*please note:      This is   ** LOCATION ** of ROTC program, not IF the program is available. IS the program LOCATED on the campus? Answer Yes or No.

Campus Life

Sports Athletics


Learning Accommodations


