Troubleshoot - Google drive, Error "flagged inappropriate"

Troubleshooting - Google drive, Error "flagged inappropriate"

This is a known Google issue. It is not a CounselMore issue.
Our team works directly with Google to resolve this issue.

Because it is outside of CounselMore, we need you to participate in the solution by following the steps below.

See the second half of this article for details on this issue and how to report it to Google Directly

There is a running forum post for this issue located here

While Google looks into this, we have a workaround for you:

1) Navigate back to this student's Files Tab
2) Click the Hamburger Menu button
3) Then Click Open Student Folder


This will take you to Google Drive. Find the share button and enter the students email to share manually. 

This is a known issue with Google. This is not a CounselMore issue.

Although, when you report it to our support desk we take action to contact Google. You must also do the same.

The current course of action is to submit feedback directly to Google. 

The more submissions, the faster Google will resolve this issue.

  1. Navigate to the Google Drive dashboard
  2. Click the question mark symbol in the top right and select "Send feedback to Google" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Type a description of the issue in the text box. An example is below:     "benign education-related documents cannot be shared within the organization because they are flagged as inappropriate"
  4. It is highly recommended that you include a screenshot of the error message received when trying to share documents.
  5. Click "Send"