At CounselMore, we understand that the best ideas often come from the very individuals who use our platform. That's why we've created the Collaboration Lab, a virtual haven where Members actively shape the future of CounselMore.
Register FIRST - for your Collaboration Lab account:
- Visit CounselMore Collaboration Lab
- Sign In or Sign Up: If you don't have an Upvoty account yet, you can easily sign up. If you already have one, simply sign in to start sharing your thoughts.
- Submit Your Ideas: Have a feature in mind? Click "Submit Idea" and let your creativity flow. Provide a clear description and let us know why it matters to you. Let's bring it to life together!
- Vote on Ideas: Browse existing ideas. Give a thumbs up to the ones that resonate with you. Your votes guide our priorities.
- Stay Updated: We'll regularly update you on the status of ideas and let you know when new features are in the works. Be the first to know about upcoming features, implementations, and the impact your contributions are making.