Troubleshoot - College List - Slow loading College lists

College Lists or pages - Slow loading

If you are a counselor, the below list will help you troubleshoot.

If you are a student, the below list will be helpful but you may also be using a school computer or an internet that is behind a firewall and you will experience slow downs because of those things. CounselMore can work directly with your school's IT department if you believe it is one of those issues.

1. (student) It is possible that your counselor has not released your list yet. 


Contact your counselor to confirm they have released schools to your student college list tab.

2. (student) You are using a Chromebook.

It is an issue that we are currently looking into being more fluid but usually the domain can be listed as a "white hat" with the school because CounselMore meets all compliance standards and this removes your obstacles. Email support directly if you need our team to connect with your IT team, it's easy to do. As an alternative the student has the option to use a mobile devise such as smart phone or tablet to access CounselMore via mobile browser. Or they can use any desktop or standard laptop but choose a different wi-fi source.

3. (counselor) Troubleshoot

  1. How many data columns have you chosen to show?  We want you to be excited about the data points. But choosing too many means the servers have to locate, pull and then send the data.  If you have more than 10 - 15 columns at one time, and/or 30 - 50 colleges listed, you may be pushing your wifi limits. 

  2. Or are you seeing most of the information populate the page but some cells read "unreported" - that too is a overloaded wi-fi and if you refresh your page, its likely the rest will populate.
  3. How many colleges are on your list? More than 50? Then your list will be slow to load.

  4. Is it upload speed.  Even when you normally have high speed internet, there is throttling of bandwidth. COVID in general is putting stress on the infrastructure and ISP enjoy their special privilege to throttle everyone's bandwidth.

  5. Click to another tab and then click back.

  6. Refresh the page.

  7. Please use the Help button at the top of your CounselMore screen, contact us.



To address the user's concern regarding the student list not appearing, instead of being slow to load, you can find helpful guidance in the article "New Accounts - My Business Setup Overview"  located under Tab Settings. This article offers detailed instructions on how to configure tab settings, which can help resolve the issue.

4. Google slow downs

Google is integrated with CounselMore and CounselMore must comply with Google development standards, Consequently, when Google slows down, we slow down. It is rare and temporary but it happens. Each time you access CounselMore data you are pulling on a massive slip of data, unavailable anywhere in the world. So its a popular resource. At times it will slow down because of the traffic. Give it a second. All better quickly. 

