When using platforms like CounselMore, you may encounter requests to grant access to your Google Drive. This can raise concerns, especially when it seems like the application is asking for permission to see, edit, or delete your personal GD
Why Does CounselMore Request Access to Your Google Drive?
When you use CounselMore, your counselor may share files with you through Google Drive. To access these files, CounselMore needs permission to view and manage files in your Google Drive. However, this doesn’t mean that the app or your counselor can access all your personal files or make changes without your consent.
Understanding Google Drive Permissions
Here’s what the permissions mean:
View and Manage Google Drive Files: This permission allows CounselMore to help you access and work with specific files or folders your counselor has shared with you. It does not give blanket access to all of your files.
Identifying You with Your Google Account: Google requires you to sign in to confirm your identity. This step is crucial for linking your account to the shared files securely.
Here's a related article that might help you
Peer Mentor Learning Demonstrations - Choose your Google Drive:
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Are you juggling multiple roles and email addresses in your counseling or professional life?
Watch this CounselMore Peer Mentor learning demonstration to discover how to seamlessly manage your workflows by organizing your digital workspace. In this video, our Peer Mentor shares a practical and efficient method for keeping tasks and responsibilities separated using multiple email addresses.