Resources - Common Master Folder Materials

Resources - Common Master Folder Materials

What are typical Master Folder materials that Counselors use with students?

All Educational Consultants have; pdf.s, worksheets, visual graphics, helping tools, aka "Materials", that they share with their students to help inform the process. In CounselMore you are able to create a folder on your share drive that will store your most used materials into separate folders, which makes them easily accessible for you and your students.
From the student record, files tab,  you are able to apply the contents of any of materials folder directly into the student's files tab, which is the exact & live reflect of the student's Google drive folder. Upload to the Files tab and it is seen in Google drive and vise versa. This creates exceptional convenience for you - however you will have to organize your own materials first.
Tip: You will create folders by topic - the title of each one of those folders is facing you (the owner of the drive). What is inside of those folders will be facing the student. 
Would you want  individual documents to land in the student's folder or folders, with documents contained inside?
  1. If you would like to apply individual documents into the students folder, then create the topic folder that is facing you and then drop in the documents that should land in the students folder.
  2. If you would prefer that a folder is what lands in your students shared folder, rather than individual documents, then you will create your topical folder that is facing you and then create a subfolder inside the topical folder. And place the individual documents into the subfolder. When you "apply master folder" a folder will land in the student's Files tab,  with documents contained inside.
Tip: Professional plan and above have the capability to Bulk Apply Master Folders.

Many new Educational Consultants ask what are typical Master Folder materials?

Below we have provided examples:

Master Folder Items are really dependent on your process as a College Counselor. Building a routine process is the first step. Then it is easy to identify what support materials inform each step of the process.
Tip: Use the confidential notes section of each assignment to help guide you to know which materials to "apply" to a student's folder, respective of the assignment topic.

Here is a sample of what your shared drive would look like: 

Master Folders in Google Drive  

Other Master Folder Materials titles are:
  1. Athlete Resources
  2. Art Majors
  3. College Tours 


Peer Mentor demonstration video