Resources - Business Process, Counselors Sharing Screens with Students

Resources - Business Process, Counselors Sharing Screens with Students Screen Sharing

We encounter situations when we will share our screens with our students. Especially when introducing the student / parent portals.

When you share your CounselMore screen, be sure you have kicked your Quicklist out of the way so you are protecting other student's privacy.

To introduce the portal to a family or student:

  • Consider creating a fake student account. 
  • Use an email address that is not associated with your CounselMore account. Invite the fake student to the portal.

Need help with incognito for student portal - read this article

Open an incognito window.

  • Go to the email inbox for your fake student and sign into the student portal as the student in the incognito window.

Demonstrate the student portal for the student using this fake student's account.

When you begin a meeting with a student, ask your student to sign into their CounselMore Student Portal and pull up the first assignment.

By beginning each student meeting by requesting the student sign in to their portal and share their screen, you are reinforcing the authority of the portal.

By asking the student to show you their screen and for the student to take their own notes, you are reinforcing your college readiness process.

You will also want to keep notes during the meeting:

Because you will want to keep your own notes, use more than one monitor.

This means your lap top is one screen and you also have an external screen connected to your laptop. 

Drag your CounselMore Counselor portal, that is contained in one browser window to the separate external monitor screen. On that screen, you can take your notes etc and the student will not see your notes on your screen because you are not sharing your screen.

Meanwhile on the lap top screen, will be the zoom meeting window with the student sharing their screen, which is the student portal view.

On Youtube you will find many videos that will help you to set up an external screen for your laptop. Once you have 2 screens you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.