For Parents & Students - CounselMore Mobile App

For Parents & Students - CounselMore Mobile App The average student today is tied to their phone. Everybody expects everything to be quick, safe, instantly available from a mobile device, and loaded with great, mobile-friendly content.

MomHuggingSon-w1200For Parents & Students - CounselMore Mobile App

The average student today is tied to their phone. Everybody expects everything to be quick, safe, instantly available from a mobile device, and loaded with great, mobile-friendly content. We totally get it.

CounselMore is designed to operate identically across all platforms. This is why the Counselor, Student and Parent portals all look alike. This is for the ease of use and maintaining platform where dynamic collaboration can happen most effectively.
The below images show that everything on a computer or mobile device remains accessible and undisturbed, and nothing has been changed or deemed irrelevant.  

On your mobile device, open your Chrome browser and navigate to: and choose the appropriate login for yourself.

By selecting the graduation hat below, you may see the college list your counselor recommended.

The app tracker, which lets you keep track of each application required for each school, can be viewed by clicking the heart icon. Read the article on College Application Worksheet, CounselMore App Tracker, Easy Spreadsheet to discover more about the App tracker by clicking here​.

By selecting the chat icon at the bottom right, students can quickly start a conversation with their counselor. This makes it simple for the student and counselor to communicate.

By selecting the cardboard icon in the lower left corner, students can view their assignments. Once the assignment is completed, mark it as completed by checking the box directly next to it.

Depending on your preferences, you may choose to display the assignments in Tile or Grid format.