Counselor List - Choose Account Default Data Columns in Settings menu

In this guide, we will walk you through setting up the different information columns that will appear on your Counselor’s List when you begin a new list. 

Counselor List - Default Columns Settings
To begin, navigate to you demonstration student account Danny Demo's Counselor’s List. In the upper section, you will see a Menu button. Click this button and select College Data Menu, where you can select which columns to include on your list.

Under the Data Manager Menu, you will find banners. Each banner contains a set of information columns. These columns indicate which data points are visible on the Counselor's List.

When a column is turned on, it will appear in green.

Each banner will also show how many columns within that section have been activated for various lists, such as the Counselor List, Student List, or App Tracker.
You can enable up to 40 columns per list.
• The Counselor List generally has fewer columns compared to other lists.
• The Student List typically contains the most columns.
• The App Tracker columns mainly relate to your application tracking strategy and status columns.

For more detailed guidance on setting up your App Tracker, click here: How to Set Up Your App Tracker.

One helpful feature in CounselMore is the ability to save your column selections as defaults. If you frequently use the same columns for multiple students, you can customize these columns and save them as defaults for future use. To do this, use the “Save as Defaults” button at the top of the screen.

Go to Student > Counselor List > Menu > College Data Menu 


Additionally, you can go to Settings > Data Manager to set your default columns. Here, you will be able to select not only the columns but also the order in which they will appear.

Once you have selected and reordered your columns for the Counselor List, Student List, and App Tracker, click Apply changes to existing students.

When you apply changes, newly selected columns will be added to the existing lists. However, it’s important to note that:
• The changes will not remove any columns that were previously added on a per-student basis.
• The order of columns will update according to your new preferences.
• Individual column choices will always override the global default settings.

Viewing the Most Commonly Selected Columns
If you're unsure which columns to select, CounselMore offers a helpful feature on the College Search and List Builder page. Here, you can view the most commonly chosen data columns by other counselors for each list type. This feature can provide guidance on the most useful columns for your workflow.