Calendly - Student name appears with different email address

Make sure student is booking meetings with the same email address on file, each time they schedule

Student books a meeting under the same name but with different email address

Parent books a meeting for student but uses their own email address in the first line of the meeting-maker. The integrated scheduler doesn't recognize the email as an existing student and it generates a new student account.

The system will look for a student record with that email address, and since it doesn't find one, it generates a "duplicate student."


Edit your calendly or Acuity meeting-maker.

In the area where you ask the customer for their name and email, change the field to include instructions.

"The student's name and email address should remain in line one. In this second field please enter the parent/guardian name and email."


Adding an alternate email address helps mitigate this issue.

The invite will always send to the student email. The alternate email is for our Calendly integration. Sometimes our students book under different emails so it helps the system find the right record.


Removing duplicate student records article


Read Closely:

Calendly is integrated with your CounselMore account. It has the capability to auto generate Prospective Clients to the top of your Quicklist. You will adjust your Calendly-CounselMore connection in your Settings menu

1) When setting up your events ask for the Student's Email address to be in the First Position and the Parent Email to be in the Second Position.

2) By putting the student email address in First Position, the students record will populate most effectively into your CounselMore account.

3) You will create different types of meetings in your Calendly account. You may not wish for all meeting types to auto-generate prospective students to the top of your quicklist. Choose which meeting types you would like this to occur with in your Settings menu.

Settings > Scheduling, and update your prospect creation settings.

Whatever event types are checked will produce a prospect student in your counselor portal.

If you notice that the student meetings are not syncing with the assignments tab, try the following steps:

  1. Disconnect and Reconnect Calendly: Try disconnecting your Calendly account and reconnecting it within the CounselMore App.
  2. Clear Browser Cookies: If reconnecting doesn't resolve the issue, clearing your browser's cookies may help restore the functionality.