Self Guided Set Up - Visual Guide to Standard Symbols browser, navigation symbols, quicklist, sorting students
Use a Chrome browser:
CounselMore can be accessed via any web browser, however to maximize your productivity with our full Google tool integration Google Chrome is your preferred browser. You can download Chrome for free here.
New to Google drive?
Bookmark your App Page:
When you are in the CounselMore application, you will notice the URL web address bar at the top of your browser now reads: Instead of www., there is app. That is the address of the CounselMore application. Whereas, www. is the address of the website. Increase productivity by bookmarking your application (app) page.
On your Chrome browser window, locate the lock icon to the left of the URL address bar. Click and hold on the lock icon and drag it to your bookmark bar, just below the URL bar. Further details here.
Navigation: There are 4 icons used repeatedly:
Single person = Counselor
Grad Cap = Student
Double person = Family
Heart = Apply / App Tracker
Colors are also used repeatedly:
Green means Show or Go.
Grey means no do not show or go.
Menu button. This is the singular navigation button, located in the same place, under any tab.
All Buttons and menus are blue.
Add a Student is the only green button.
Learn more about the CounselMore design experts at the bottom of this page.