For Parents & Students - College Data

For Parents & Students - College Data The most up-to-date college information is only found within the CounselMore proprietary database. 



For Parents & Students - College Data

The most up-to-date college information is only found within the CounselMore proprietary database. 


It is a hand harvested, live, real time, updated database of college information. 


Over 3800 schools and 300+ college campus comparable attributes and admissions results data to compare side-by-side. 


It is what every parent wants to know and what every counselor needs to know.

Work with a CounselMore certified college advisor or choose the parent DIY search and app tracker tools.


Click the round action button and add colleges by name.


Which columns are available to you is determined by your counselor.


The College Data Menu contains several banners, behind each banner is a set of data points. Those titles and corresponding definition are listed below in the order they appear in the College Data Menu. New 3rd party evaluative data partners are added to the CDM. New partners may not be listed here.



Your counselor can add or removed data columns that may or may not be helpful for their students. College Data Menu is where you find information columns to compare college attributes side-by-side.


You may want to see this link for more information!




Any questions?  Click Help in the header of your app or click the floating question mark.