Multi License - Team Members, Invoicing, Time Tracking, View Limits

Multi License - Team Members, Invoicing, Time Tracking, View Limits applying billing profiles, adding time, applying time

Multi Title card

Multi License - Team Members, Invoicing, Time Tracking, View Limits

applying billing profiles, adding time, applying time


What is a Billing Profile?

A Billing Profile is a Line Item that can be applied to an Invoice. These are created in settings for you by your Admin or Super Users. To support a variety of business models, CounselMore offers 3 different type of Billing Profiles:



A Package Billing Profile is for parents who pay by the package and not by the amount of hours spent working on the student.


An Hourly Billing Profile is for parents who pay for the hours spent working on the student, at a given hourly rate.

Block of Hours: 

A Block of Hours Billing Profile is somewhat of a combination between the two above. This is meant for parents who pay for a package which includes a set amount of hours. CounselMore then keeps track of the remaining hours as time with the student is logged by adding a Line Item.


Adding a Line Item

In the following example we will go over adding time to a block of hours billing profile. Say you meet with the Student for a 1 hour session. It's now time to add a Line Item to the Student's Accounting Tab and subtract that hour from the package. 


  1. Go to Any Student Record > Accounting Tab > Menu > Add Line Item

  2. Add Time:

    • Enter todays date (or whenever the session happened)

    • Highlight the parent icon to the right of the date in order to automatically add this Line Item to the Invoice
    • Add miles if you want to track your drive to the meeting location
    • Enter 1 hour (and any minutes if applicable)
    • Select the 10 Hour Block Package Billing Profile from the drop-down menu
    • Type a custom note if applicable to client
    • Click Submit.





  • By adding this line Item, you have now effectively applied a charge to this student's account
  • By entering 1 hour, you have also applied the first hour of the package, against the package. If the hour block was 10 hours, the client now has 9 hours left.


    The green bar will show the countdown of hours remaining.