How to setup your Acuity account

  1. Click here to create your Acuity Account, if you haven't already.
  2. Next, watch a few select videos to get you up-to-speed on Acuity. Follow along with them as you set up your Availability and Appointment Types.
  3. Now that your Acuity account has been set up, go into CounselMore Settings and click Scheduling then 'Connect Acuity Account' to start syncing.
  4. First you'll authenticate with Acuity using your Admin credentials. Do not use a sub-account. We do not store your Acuity credentials. The login component is directly from Acuity, embedded in CounselMore. *Note: This Acuity Login component does not like 'auto-populate'. If your credentials auto-populate and the 'Submit' button remains gray, simply delete and re-add the last character in your password.
  5. Now that your Acuity account is linked, test this by booking an appointment with yourself using the email address of your Fake Student.
  6. After booking you will see a new item in your Fake Student's Assignments with the title 'Meeting' + the date of the meeting.
  7. Now return to your Acuity invite in the email of your Fake Student and click 'cancel'.
  8. After cancelling the appointment, you will see that the Assignments items display near the bottom of the Assignments, having been marked 'done' is now labeled 'canceled'.


Since you linked your Acuity Admin account, all of your counselors will see the appointments your students book.


When a parent books an appointment they must enter their student's email address first and then theirs :,

in the email line of the booking form. This will ensure the appointment appears as an item in that student's Assignments.


Caution: If using recurring appointments, please create the student in CounselMore beforehand, ensuring the email address matches. Failure to do so will result in duplicate students.