Write to support@counselmore.com, submit cancelation form
If you've decided to cancel your subscription to CounselMore due to unexpected circumstances, we want to express our understanding and support for your situation. While we are saddened by your decision, please know that we are here to help you on your counseling journey. If you ever decide to come back in the future, we will be thrilled to welcome you with open arms.
Our team is fully dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools and resources for success, and we are committed to assisting you every step of the way.
To cancel plan or your account:
1. Go to CounselMore Helpdesk by clicking the Help or floating "❔" and select the option to contact our support team for assistance.
2. Ask any questions you may have. If your question is not resolved, click on the thumbs down icon. This will redirect you to a contact form for further assistance.
3. Provide the required information and click on the send button.
Alternatively, you have the option to cancel plan or account by sending an email to support@counselmore.com.
You will receive a Cancellation Form
Submit the form
The Form Submission Date - will be your date of cancellation
- We cannot cancel your account without your cancelation form submission.
- Your account charges will stop at the end of your current billing cycle, per the date of your submission.
Cancellation by User - You can cancel your CounselMore Account anytime by submitting a cancellation form, which may be obtained by writing to support@counselmore.com. Upon verifying the cancellation request is being made by the account holder, CounselMore will cancel the subscription and close billing at the end of the current billing cycle, per the date of the cancellation form submission. However, please be advised that CounselMore will not provide refunds for accounts canceled in the middle of a Monthly Term or Annual Term or for months in which you maintained a subscription, but did not utilize the paid services. These policies are universal to all account holders.