Google Drive - Organizing, moving Files, Folders

Files Tab - organizing folders / Google Drive - organizing folders, documents

Files can be applied to the Student Record Files tab via Master Folders or uploading from your hard drive. Alternatively, you could navigate directly to the students Google drive folder and organize the file directly within Google Drive.


Follow these guidelines:

  1. Click into a Student's Files tab and authorize Google Drive if you haven't already done so

  2. Click the blue button and select Open student folder

  3. Once you click the blue button and select "Open student folder," a new tab will open, guiding you directly to the student's folder (which will be labeled with their name). Here you will be able to reorganize any documents and folders. 

Google Drive operates by click hold and drag

By hovering a document over a folder you will see the folder light up below the document you may release the document then and it will be automatically dropped into the folder.