College List - Data, Export / download a College List Exporting a College List to Excel is easy.
The stand alone tool, CollegeList Pro, downloads lists to your hard drive (your computer). There you can open and edit. CounselMore cannot format files beyond the application. Once on your computer it is a new document, owner by only you.
There is a maximum of 50 schools that can be downloaded at one time with the CollegeList Pro tool.
The Single Counselor plan (limited and unlimited plans), can export list directly to the Student's Google drive folder and/or download to your hard drive (your computer).
There is a maximum of 60 schools that can be exported/downloaded at one time with the Single Counselor plan.
- you must have your Google drive connected to your CounselMore account
- You must be in grid-view (not tile-view)
- Click on. the student record files tab
- click the round blue button
- from the drop. down menu , select, "Open Student Folder"
- If that option is not there, the student doesn't yet have a folder and. these instructions will not apply.
Your Counselor List holds the schools you selected in your Search. Evaluate them in greater detail before sharing with your student.
Move the schools you wish to share with your student to the Student List by clicking the green Grad Cap to the left of the school name. Once a school is promoted to the student list, the school is visible in the Student portal college list.
Open the menu at the top left of the Student List and select Export Excel
If you have linked your Google Drive, the .xls will automatically appear in your student's Google Drive folder.
If you have not linked your Google Drive folder, the .xls file will be downloaded directly to your computer. Note: Direct download is disabled on phones and tablets.
Did it work? When the download is complete:
Goto the student record, Files tab
- Click the round blue button
- from the drop down menu select, "Open Student Folder"
- A new tab will launch taking you directly to the student's folder and the exported excel college list (already formatted!!)