Student Profile - Participation Information

Student Profile - Participation Information Find the student's name at the top of the screen, click the pencil. The Bio Banner will open.

What is the Student Profile? 
Every Student Record has Student Profile stored inside of it. You can get to the Student Profile by navigating to their Student Record and clicking the pencil ("edit") icon next to their name. We use the Student Profile to create the Student's Academic Resume.

How to enter activities and awards on a student record

  1. Go to any Student Record > Click the pencil to open the Student Profile
  2. Click to open the participation information. You will see  field titled: activities, awards/honors, work experience, responsibilities, volunteering, and athletics.
  3. Click the field you want to enter an information and complete the data. 
  4. Click "Submit."
  5. How to delete or clear student activities

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