Assignments tab - Assignments Not Visible
1) Apply the assignment to the given student record
2) Select who the assignments will be visible / assigned to
3) Set a start date
If you don't know how to create an assignment please take a look at this article.
1) Apply the assignment to the student record. The assignment you see below has been applied to the student record, but the student / parent doesn't see it on their end nor do they get a notification yet. This is because we haven't yet selected a visibility & a start date.
Right under the assignments tab we see several buttons. For right now let's only focus on the first 2. The pencil takes you to the dashboard view of all assignments. When you're in this view, you can make edits to the assignments. The next view, which is the student (grad cap) view, will show what active assignments the student has. If we click over to the student view, I should see that the student has no active assignments - 1) because it's not assigned & 2) because there's no start date set yet.
Let's go back to the dashboard and click the grad cap, indicating that this assignment should be visible to the student.
If i go back to the student view now... yup still blank. Why? Because we've yet to select a start date.
Today is August 1st and I'm going to set my assignment start date to August 31st.
If I go to my student view, is it visible? No. The assignment will be visible August 31 and today is only August 1.
If we set our start date to August 1.
And then go to the student view, it should now be visible.
So don't forget:
1) Apply the assignment to the student record
2) Select the visibility
3) Select a start date.